If you're looking for similar stuff btw let me know. Can dig up some similars.
Been making stop motion videos since I was like 9. I like to think I've improved since then haha. I love the stuff I make and I hope you enjoy it as well :)
Age 26, Male
following my dreams
Joined on 4/28/19
If you're looking for similar stuff btw let me know. Can dig up some similars.
Cool. :) If you really want to dig deep into the archives this might be of interest (collections are rarely updated these days though): https://www.newgrounds.com/collection/clay
Knox was pretty much the king of claymation back in the day. Aaand as for the rest... I might've promised too much! I thought it'd be easy to look through my favorites and find a few gems, but they're in pretty short supply. Here's one by the guy who's probably the most active in regards to claymation these days: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/718741
And another: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/646223#
And here's something totally different by maybe the most detail-oriented artist on here (not much with regard to plot, but the craft itself is preeeetty smooth): https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/708763#
As you can see we do need more people in the niche around here. XD There's definitely more if you go looking, but good quality hmm... hard to find amidst the rest of it.
Happy you found your way here man! Been enjoying stopmotion for over a decade at this point, but your stuff is just on a whole other level compared to what I've been seeing before. And consistent. There is some pretty impressive claymation out there, but this stopmotion stuff in particular: you definitely took the throne now. :) Looking forward to seeing what more you make!
That's really nice man I can't believe you're really hyping me up like this LOL, thanks for the kind words man. And yeah I'm definitely down to see the similar stuff you're talking about!